Before and After Photographs: A Look at the Past and Present

Before and after photographs are a powerful way to illustrate the changes that have taken place over time. They can be used to document the evolution of a city, the construction of a new building, or the natural progression of a landscape.

In this article, we will take a look at some of the most striking before and after photographs from around the world. We will also discuss the history of this photographic genre and its potential to inform and inspire us.

The History of Before and After Photographs

The earliest before and after photographs were taken in the late 1800s. These images were often used to document the progress of construction projects or the effects of natural disasters.

In the early 1900s, before and after photographs became more popular as a way to illustrate the changing face of cities and towns. These images were often used by urban planners and historians to document the growth and development of their communities.

In the second half of the 20th century, before and after photographs became increasingly common in advertising and marketing. These images were used to show the benefits of new products or services.

Today, before and after photographs are used for a variety of purposes. They can be found in newspapers, magazines, websites, and social media.

The Power of Before and After Photographs

Before and after photographs can be a powerful tool for communication. They can be used to:

  • Document change: Before and after photographs can be used to illustrate the changes that have taken place over time. This can be useful for documenting the progress of a project, the effects of a natural disaster, or the evolution of a city.
  • Compare and contrast: Before and after photographs can be used to compare and contrast two different versions of the same subject. This can be useful for highlighting the differences between two eras, two cultures, or two products.
  • Create a sense of awe: Before and after photographs can be used to create a sense of awe by showing the scale of change that has taken place. This can be useful for inspiring people to take action or to appreciate the beauty of the world around them.
  • Some Striking Before and After Photographs

Here are some of the most striking before and after photographs from around the world:

  • The Great Wall of China: The Great Wall of China is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world. This before and after photograph shows the wall as it was in the 19th century and as it is today. The wall has been damaged over time by erosion and natural disasters, but it remains a testament to the ingenuity and perseverance of the Chinese people.
  • The Amazon Rainforest: The Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world. This before and after photograph shows the rainforest as it was in the 1970s and as it is today. The rainforest has been cleared for agriculture and development, and it is now at risk of deforestation.
  • New York City: New York City is one of the most populous cities in the world. This before and after photograph shows the city as it was in the 1900s and as it is today. The city has grown and changed dramatically over the past century, and it is now a global center of commerce, culture, and finance.


Before and after photographs are a powerful way to illustrate the changes that have taken place over time. They can be used to document the past, to compare and contrast different eras, and to create a sense of awe.

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